Glenn, Jena and Knucklehead
While traveling through Titusville, Florida, I saw this eye-catching camper van parked at Sand Point Park. I could not resist and had to ask the driver if he would allow me to take a couple of photos of his camper. Glenn, who was the driver, obliged. After taking the photos, I spoke to Glenn for a little while and I learned that he lived full time in the camper with his dog Knucklehead and Jena. I had not seen Jenna until she exited the rear. Glenn explained that he built the camper with found pieces and he had been staying in the Titusville area for approximately one year. I showed my van to Glenn but I was hesitant because I travel in my van for recreational purposes, Glenn has no other option. If he didn’t have the camper, he would be homeless. I didn’t pry to much into Glenns life, but relying on my experience and observations, I could tell mental illness and/or drug use is something Glenn and Jena might be battling. Regardless, our lives are very different with one common denominator… #vanlife